Can A Person Be Asexual For Real?

Hello all! I'm Veronika, the advice columnist here at I'm excited to present you with another fun topic for discussion. I'm glad to have you join me and can't wait to talk to all my readers for this session. Let's get right to the question for today.

Hello all! I'm Veronika, the advice columnist here at I'm excited to present you with another fun topic for discussion. I'm glad to have you join me and can't wait to talk to all my readers for this session. Let's get right to the question for today.

Dear Veronika, I keep hearing people say that they are asexual. I'm not sure what that means and even if it's a real thing. What gives with this asexual thing anyway? A Reader

I'm a firm believer in a person's sexuality being a very fluid kind of thing. That being said, there are people who know very firmly what they want and who they are attracted to. If you are like many people, you associate asexual with being gay when nothing could be further from the truth. If a person is gay, they are attracted to the same gender as themselves. A person who identifies as being asexual does not feel any sexual attraction to any gender. This can seem odd to people who are not familiar with the concept.



It Is Not The Same Thing

Another common misconception is that asexual means the same as being celibate. While you will find that many people who identify as being asexual are also celibate, this is not necessarily the same thing. While many people who say that they are asexual do not have sexual relationships, there are times when they do engage in sexual behavior to various degrees. Like everyone else, people who identify as being asexual often have a need for intimate relationships. This could come in the form of sex as well as other types of behavior.

Many people who are asexual find that people do not take them seriously when it comes to their sexuality. They face many of the same issues that people who are gay face when it comes to others being dismissive about their sexual orientation. They have people who tell them that they will grow out of that type of feeling or that they just have not found the right person to feel turned on by. People need to just learn to accept that there are people who have a different type of sexual orientation and just respect them in their choices in life.

Be Supportive Overall

If you meet someone who identifies as being asexual, be sure to support them in their feelings and do not be dismissive of their feelings. I'm of the live and let live camp and I encourage everyone to embrace their feelings. When I'm around, I don't tolerate any nonsense about sexuality and a lack of support.

Now it's your turn! Do you identify as being asexual or do you know of someone who does? How do you support them? Write in and let me know your thoughts and feelings about this!

Veronika <3